Ep. 44: The Art Of The Highball – The Japanese Highball and Peach Infused Cognac Highball
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Welcome to episode 44 of The Art of Drinking with Join Jules and Your Favorite Uncle
What are we drinking this week?
The highball is at the top of the cocktail family tree. It’s simply carbonated water and spirit, and that inspired a lot of inventions (see Collins, Paloma, Cuba Libre, anything in a tall glass mixed with bubbles). The Japanese however, have taken this from just a 2 ingredient cocktail (technically 3 if you include ice) to an art form. Jules did the same, by infusing Cognac with Peach and adding a bit of basil syrup and lemon… geez it’s good.
Tip: Know your bubbles
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How do I make it Uncle Brad?
Brad, what will we need?
Collins glass
Bar spoon
Whiskey ( I used Nikka Coffey Malt (this is not coffee flavored – it is made in a Coffey style still), you can use Suntory Toki, or any spirit if you want.)
Carbonated water
Lemon, for garnish
Brad, how do I make it?
Before you begin: chill collins glass in freezer
Be in the moment, and smile
Now.. in your chilled glass:
Add chunk(s) of clear ice (filling glass halfway) and stir for 30 seconds. Pour excess water out.
Add 2 oz whiskey over ice, and ice – and stir 13.5 times EXACTLY. I used Nikka Coffey Malt (this is not coffee flavored – it is made in a Coffey style still), you can use Suntory Toki, or any spirit if you want.
Add 1 more piece of ice (if needed) and top of with 6 oz of carbonated water (can split with Ginergale if you like). The more carbonation the better.
Nestle bars poon under ice and stir 3.5 times EXACTLY. When finished stirring, softly lift the spoon out of the glass WITHOUT disturbing the drink any further.
Take thick lemon peel and express via match over drink, twist, and set peel in drink.
If you want to add a bit of different flavors, you can use bitters and I’ve even used a touch of cinnamon simple
Jules, what do we need?
Chilled higball glass
Mixing spoon
Peach infused whiskey, or cognac
Basil syrup (distilled water + granulated sugar)
Club Soda
For infusing:
Weck jar
Pairing knife
Cognac or Whiskey
Jule’s Peachy Highball Version
Before you begin: Chill your glass
Making Peach Cognac: 2 cups Cognac in jar cut up 1 peach, remove pit, and let sit for 1 week
In your glass
2 oz peach-infused whiskey, or cognac
½ oz lemon juice
½ oz basil syrup
4 oz club soda
Gently mix with a mixing spoon
Garnish with a basil leaf & enjoy
What’s our tip?
Tip: Know your bubbles
Soda water: carbonated water, a generic term
Club soda: Club soda is water that’s carbonated by injecting it with carbon dioxide gas, or CO2, then infused with added minerals.
Sparkling water: sparkling mineral water is naturally carbonated. (each brand will taste different based on the minerals)
Seltzer water: seltzer generally doesn’t contain added minerals, which gives it a plainer taste
Tonic water: has quinine and sugar
Make sure to get your History Lesson & the full recipes by listening to today’s episode and make sure to tune in every Wednesday for a brand new episode!
Tune in every Wednesday for a new episode
The Art of Drinking
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