Ep. 10 The Gin Martini

Welcome to episode 10 of The Art of Drinking with Join Jules and Your Favorite Uncle

What are we drinking?

The Gin Martini & Passion Fruit Martini

If elegance, style, and sophistication had a flavor… it would be the Martini. However today, 

The classiest of classy drinks, but let’s be clear, the actual martini… is made with Gin. KEEP LISTENING. Maybe the martini isn’t for you, but you damn well better know how to make one!

Uncle Brad’s Recipe

What do I need?

A GOOD gin! For me, it’s plymouth gin. For you it might be a London Dry - both work well and I like London Dry’s because of the citrus… however, know, the Martini bares all, and what you put in your glass matters no more than this very moment.

A GOOD dry vermouth, for me it’s Dolin or Nolly Pratt. Both are a little different based on what I’m in the mood for. 

Do you prefer Olives or a Lemon Twist? For me, it’s a lemon twist. However, if I’m in the mood for snacking… olives. If I want to make a gibson, I add pickled onion, and by the way, this is a great experiment for you to try because you will see how the garnish changes the drink.

Let’s be clear, there’s no citrus juice here and we don’t need to arieat the drink, so stirred is the way to go… for me. However, some may like their martini bruised… and if that’s the case Shaken is the way to go

Wait… Brad, what’s Bruised?

Mixing glass (or shaker)


Hawthorn strainer (no double straining this time)


Ice, big chunks if you got ‘em

Chilled/frozen martini glass - yes, martini glass.

How do I make it?

I find the martini glass looks a bit “wanting” on a standard pour… so I go a little extra but keep with a 2 to 1 ratio

In my mixing glass, I like to plop big chunks of ice (if I have them) or regular ice

3 oz of Gin

1½ oz dry vermouth

Then I stir… for 20 to 30 seconds in my mixing glass (yes you can shake)

I take my hawthorn strainer, not mesh, and strain into a chilled martini glass

Then I take my lemon peel, twist it over my drink to express the oils and give a quick ring around the rim… and drop it in. BTW - I’ve tried a lemon wheel… just don’t

If you’re using olives, use 3… because all good things come in 3 

Add a bit of olive juice if you want it dirty… when I order a dirty martini… it’s with Vodka and I ask that it’s not too dirty… just kinda fell down but got back up.

Join Jules’ Recipe

What do I need?

Here’s what you’ll need:

  • Vanilla vodka

  • Passion fruit liqueur

  • Passion fruit

  • Passion fruit puree

  • Vanilla syrup (1 cup water + 1 cup Sugar + stir in 1 tbsp vanilla extract)

  • Limes

  • Ice

  • Prosecco

  • Cocktail shaker

How do I make it?

  • 1.5 oz Vanilla vodka

  • ¾ oz Passion fruit liqueur

  • 1 oz Passion fruit puree

  • ½ oz Vanilla syrup (1 cup water + 1 cup Sugar + stir in 1 tbsp vanilla extract)

  • ½ oz Lime juice

  • Ice

  • Small glass of Prosecco or chilled champagne

  • Add vodka, passion fruit liqueur, puree, syrup and lime juice in a cocktail shaker and shake with ice.

  • Strain into a chilled coupe glass with ice

  • Serve with a glass of chilled prosecco or champagne

Get your Martini history lesson by listening to the full podcast wherever you listen to your podcasts!

TIP: how to order a martini

  • Dry Martini: Amount of vermouth in your Martini. The less vermouth, the drier it is.

  • Wet Martini: Sweeter than the average. The more vermouth you add, the ‘wetter’ your Martini is.

  • Dirty Martini: Using a bit of olive brine makes a Martini dirty.

  • Smoky Martini: Gin with a splash of Scotch whisky.

  • Straight up: A Martini ‘straight up’ means shaken or stirred with ice and strained into the glass.

  • Olive or twist: The garnish - an olive or a twist of a lemon peel.