Ep. 7 Whatcha’ Batchin Bout – Fish House Punch & Batched Clarified Last Word
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Welcome to episode 7 of The Art of Drinking with Join Jules and Your Favorite Uncle
What are we drinking?
Fish House Punch & Batched Clarified Last Word
Jules is taking things up a notch and sharing how to make a batched clarified cocktail.
Brad is not making a cocktail, he’s making a punch, the original batched cocktail. Cocktails, in a way, are single servings of punch. In this case, America’s oldest or at least most well know and definitely most prestigious, Fish House Punch
Apologies: this is going to call for alcohol I did not call out in the set-up. By the way, I said we were going to use all of the alcohols I listed, I didn’t say we were ONLY going to use them.
Uncle Brad’s Recipe
What does it taste like:
A lot like a Tiki drink – but that makes a lot of sense because Tiki drinks look at lot like Punch. Note the word Punch comes from India, and Pantsch which means “5”. Punch, at one time, contained 5 ingredients: spirit, citrus, sweet, water, and spice. That’s not a hard and fast rule, Punch can also be just 4 ingredients.
What do I need?
Jamaican Amber Rum – Plantation is great
Peach Brandy (not the cheap stuff)
Measuring cups
Punch bowl or bucket!
Bread pan or half-gallon milk carton
How do I make it?
Serves 25… I saw 12 people (take it down) You need time for this one and a bucket!
Cut the top off your cardboard empty half gallon milk carton, juice, whatever – or use a bread pan – fill with water and freeze for 24 hours – block of ice is good
Make your sugar syrup and refrigerate that too 3.5c water to 1c of sugar
3 hours before you serve, mix the following ingredients in a punch bowl or something… this is big
Take a 1oz shot out of bottle of rum and shoot it
Rest of the bottle jamaican amber rum goes in the bowl (it’s 3 cups)
3.5c water
1c sugar (if you want, just make a simple syrup with that mixture)
1.5c cognac
¾ c. peach brandy (the real stuff is hard to find, so E&J will work in this case)
1.5c lemon juice
Place the bowl, bucket, bathtub in the fridge for 3 hours – this makes A LOT
It’s strong! So if the ice hasn’t melted in the bowl enough, go ahead and add ice to your cup or even a little soda water.
Join Jules’ Recipe
Clarified Batch Last Word
What do I need?
Green Chartreuse
Maraschino liqueur
Citrus squeezer
Glass jars
Coffee filters, or paper towels
Clear ice
Rocks glass
Bar spoon
How do I make it?
4 oz Gin
4 oz Green Chartreuse
4 oz Maraschino Liqueur
4 oz Lime Juice
6 oz milk, 2% or whole milk
Shake in a shaker tin with ice or stir in a jar with ice (reason being to give it the dilution it needs) and then strain into a tall jar filled with 6 oz of whole milk.
Stir gently to curdle and let sit for AT LEAST 30 minutes if in a hurry or just let sit overnight.
Strain through a fine mesh into a coffee filter or paper towel to collect milk curds and strain again. Paper towel trick courtesy of (@likeablecocktails & @thirstywhale_ ) If you’re looking for experts check them out, they have some great clarified recipes too!
Get your Fish House Punch history lesson by listening to the full podcast wherever you listen to your podcasts!
How to batch cocktails tip
you can batch just about anything but batching more than 5 servings requires you to back off on citrus and simple syrups and then add back in to taste. To get around that, make 5 cocktail batches and use old liquor bottles.
Also, batching doesn’t work for a long period of time if:
Using bubbles
Using citrus (not terrible but it changes – you can deal with it)
Save bubbles & ice for last

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